United Nations as a Contract Staff

The conditions of service of staff employed by the United Nations University are governed by the United Nations Staff Regulations and Rules and the UNU Personnel Policy. Staff positions include academic and administrative appointments in the Professional (P), National Officer (NO) and General Services (GS) categories. The purpose of a short-term appointment is to take into account: (a) the defined and short-term needs of the organization less than one year old; (b) Short-term service of limited duration with special missions, temporary projects and special humanitarian assistance operations. Contractual arrangements cover existing appointments such as short-term, temporary, temporary, temporary, temporary, short-term, monthly short-term, daily short-term, special short-term and other types of short-term appointments. B term. Consultancy services, service contracts and other contractual agreements that are not performed as personnel contracts are excluded from this category. Professionals (P) and Director (D) PersonnelGeneral Service (G) National professional agents (NO) Social security 28. The staff member shall be insured in accordance with the relevant statutes and rules of the Organization. Applicability of the Statute and Article 29. The staff member shall be subject to the relevant statutes and rules of the Organization. The terms of service of the persons engaged as consultants are directly related to the work order as set out in the contract.

A consultant may not accumulate more than 24 months of accumulated service in a consecutive period of thirty-six months. UNOPS adheres to the values of the United Nations, regardless of the type of contract, location or job title. Holidays and holidays Depending on your type of contract, you are entitled to 18 days to 30 days of vacation per year. In addition, the United Nations also observes 10 paid holidays per year; These differ from one workplace to another. Many people ask me what is behind the different types of contracts and levels of employment at the United Nations. Good news, here`s an overview of the different types of UN treaties. Good luck in your job search! Do you have any questions? Let me know in the comments below. The continued designation of the Treaty is intended to assist the organizations of the United Nations common system in maintaining programme continuity. The agreement is designed as a tool to facilitate the strategic management of human resources in order to achieve their overall objectives. This category includes existing contractual agreements marked in organizations with different nomenclatures, such as.B. perpetual, perpetual, continuous, timeless, career, long-term, perpetual, and service contracts.

Inclusion in this category is subject to the continuing needs of the organizations and also extends to staff performing functions essential to the mandate of each organization of the United Nations common system. Individuals are sometimes hired by UNFPA as individual consultants to provide specialized, non-human functions required by UNFPA on short notice or intermittently to meet a specific requirement. Due to the very different needs met by this type of assignment, the means of recruitment of individual consultants and the associated conditions vary according to the needs. Some consulting firms are seconded to unfpa.org/jobs. Others are published at the country level. Potential candidates can also apply to the UNFPA Advisory Roster. More information can be found here. General service categories General services are largely related to support and vary in levels from the G1 to the G7. For holders of a general service contract, it is possible to access professional positions if they meet the required criteria. Jobs in General Services (GS) are national jobs, which means that these jobs are usually reserved for nationals of the country where the jobs are located.

Jobs in the occupational category can be international and national. National jobs are often referred to as “national agent” (NO). If you have a national contract, you can expect to stay in the country and you don`t have to move. If you have an international treaty, you can be transferred anywhere in the world, a fact that is sometimes forgotten and can lead to conflicts when an organization tries to reassign international players. “The academic and administrative staff of the university are selected to achieve the stated objectives. The basic selection criteria shall be the highest level of efficiency, competence and integrity, taking due account of appropriate representation in terms of geography, social systems, cultural traditions, age and gender. »; (Charter of the United Nations University, Article VIII, paragraph 1) The staff member shall be subject to the relevant statutes and rules of the Organization. Staff in this category must complete a probationary period of one to two years. Alternatively, employees who have met and fully met expectations for at least one year on a fixed-term contract are deemed to have met this trial requirement for an open-ended contract. This article is an update on an older article I made before the United Nations implemented treaty reform, so it`s almost done with treaty reform, it`s time for an update. Please note my warning as usual: I cannot speak on behalf of the UN and if you would like to know the details of a contract, please contact the organization you are interested in directly.

Even if there is something you think is wrong, please write me a comment and I will update this post. We value our employees and know how important it is to balance professional and personal demands. UNOPS pursues a progressive policy of work-life alignment and offers flexible work options. This applies to UNOPS employees of all types of contracts around the world. Contracts for United Nations staff are either in the “professional and higher categories” or in the “General Service and related categories”. Treaty reform in the United Nations system has reduced many types of treaties. However, the United Nations still has different types of contracts, and the distinction between staff contracts and contracts other than staff contracts still exists. So let`s start with personnel contracts. The first thing is that there are many types of treaties at the UN. In fact, many people have lost sight of what the exact differences are between the types of contracts, and I`ve seen examples where even the same type of contract in an organization had different meanings. .